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Puppy Yoga

שבת, 22 ביוני


Tel Aviv-Yafo

Here at MyWellness, we care for all living things so we thought of combining our two favorite things in life: Yoga and puppies! 🧘‍♀️🐶 As you stretch your body and focus on your breathing, puppies play and rest on your feet or Yoga mats, full of love and energy.

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Puppy Yoga
Puppy Yoga

זמן ומיקום

22 ביוני 2024, 11:00 – 12:30 GMT‎+3‎

Tel Aviv-Yafo, Dizengoff St 264, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

מספר אורחים

פרטי האירוע

 It is proven that every minute we spend with dogs releases thousands of hormones that make us feel happy and well.

We invite you to our next Puppy Yoga class on Saturday, June 22nd | 11 am - 12:30 pm at the Studio💚

The early bird price is 190nis - limited amounts! After that, the regular price is 220nis.

30% of all the profits will go to @friends4life.dogs, which rescues, rehabilitates, and places hundreds of dogs in street situations for adoption every day.

The puppies that will join our class, belong to the shelter as well. All of them are ready for fostering/adoption.

And in this special occasion, we will have very sweet adult dogs joining the class! Those who are also looking for sweet homes🫶

Spread your word, help us help them!

Are you joining us for our Puppy Yoga??

Spots are very limited! 

Pay by bit to 0502685735 writing "donation" after filling the form below.

Contact us for any questions🙏


  • Puppy Yoga early bird 190₪

    The price is 190₪ - pay by bit to 0502685735 writing "donation" Contact us for any questions.

    ‏0.00 ‏₪
    הכרטיסים אזלו
  • Puppy yoga 220₪

    Price is 220₪ - pay by bit to 0502685735 writing "donation" Contact us for any questions🙏

    ‏0.00 ‏₪
    המכירה הסתיימה

סך הכל

‏0.00 ‏₪


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